FoodChar For Cats

FoodChar For Cats

Dietary Supplement For Cats

FoodChar acts by binding toxins and pollutants in the digestive tract of your pet which leads to a number of beneficial affects on their health.

This product is intended for use in small amounts to promote gut
health and wellbeing.

FoodChar may assist with:

  • Active binding of toxins
  • Promote gut health
  • Reduction of flatulence
  • Assist with diarrhea
  • Well-being of your pet
  • Reduction of faeces odour
  • Beneficial to fur health

Bone formation
FoodChar contains calcium, daily supplementation could promote
strong bone structure, joint stability and healthy teeth.


FoodChar is a blend of several types of plant-based Carbons producing an extremely high-quality dust-free Biochar. A proprietary blend of Omega-s rich Fish oils and Flaxseed oil combines to create our top quality Foodchar daily pet supplement.